Photo Credit: Anita He

Best (and Worst) Tiger Fashions this Lunar New Year

International brands have released their annual animal zodiac-themed products—we rate them here

“Tyger tyger burning bright, in the forests of the night.” Like in William Blake’s poetry, Chinese malls and retail websites are burning with tiger-inspired designs as the lunar Year of the Tiger approaches.

The third animal in the Chinese zodiac is seen as an emblem of bravery, sternness, ferocity, and dignity, while people born in the Year of Tiger are said to be confident, charming, and competitive. Whether true or not, the fashion industry has certainly kept these qualities in mind.

As in every Lunar New Year, various brands have designed fashion products in accordance with the tiger-personalities, though some are certainly cutesier than any tiger found in the wild (perhaps in order to cash in on pop culture’s love of cats) and Gucci is already in hot water for using a real tiger in their fashion shoots and seemingly glorifying big cat ownership.

TWOC went window shopping in Beijing’s Taikoo Li Sanlitun shopping center for a look at the tiger-themed fashions lighting up the capital this Lunar New Year:

Shiniest tiger: Swarovski

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author Anita He (贺文文)

Anita is a researcher at The World of Chinese. She is interested in stories that involve gender inequality, social issues, as well as current affairs. She is also passionate about the development of subcultures in Chinese society.

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